domingo, 11 de junho de 2023



The goals is a performer that emsamble the reflex contingence
On anyway, the feets walk about the same life
In the spectrum of way of our own life, understand, little sam?

The way is our proper way, dear little uncle...

Love is possible within the flower that I bring in my heart
And another things, parts and minimal parts of the material and spiritual worlds
That who support our idea is God, de maximal and the mínima, matery and spirit.

Yes, everything was wrote yet, friends, inimies, but you, inimies already feeling
The signs of aurora, because the bright of sun is for all, without excession
Until for the devil creatures that walks for the darks ways...

When the victory showed for us our simple question of the concluded the last day
We are starting, today, in another circunstances, and the acirrad fight from this 24 hours
Reveal the next challenges that need we to be pay attention for the News, always
From each minutes of our jorney in front of the obstacles that our eyes search from tiranies!

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